Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to long-term health issues such as dementia, epilepsy, mental health problems, and a shorter lifespan. Progress in clinical care has been slow and while individual research projects have generated lots of valuable information this has not been widely used outside of the original studies.
To address this, a new platform called The UK-TBI REpository and data PORTal Enabling discoveRy (TBI-REPORTER) is being developed. This exciting initiative will bring together all the available research on TBI and make it accessible to scientists from the UK and around the world, thus aiding the development of new diagnostic techniques, therapeutic interventions, and personalized treatments. University Hospitals Plymouth is one of six pathfinder sites for this collaboration, providing biomarker, advanced imaging and experimental medicine network data to the central data hub.
Funders: Medical Research Council; NIHR; Ministry of Defence; Alzheimer’s Research UK
Award: £9.5 million
Principal Investigator (Derriford site):
Dr Jessie Welbourne