Pregnancy test

The PEAcH Study will explore preconception (pre-pregnancy) care to find out what works, for whom, and in what circumstances. 

Women with pre-existing medical conditions are particularly at risk of complications during pregnancy or immediately after birth. Not all pregnancies are planned, and even if they are, it can be very difficult to improve health and wellbeing prior to pregnancy.

What is the aim of the PEAcH Study?

The aim of the PEAcH Study is to identify how to optimise services that provide preconception care to women with pre-existing medical conditions, with a view to improving health and wellbeing during pregnancy and beyond.

We are interested in hearing from women, their partners / supporting family members, and health care professionals to learn from their experiences.

PEAcH study logo

We would love to hear from you, if you are over 18 and are:

  • a woman with a pre-existing medical condition – including (but not limited to) anxiety, congenital heart conditions, depression, diabetes (type 1 or type 2), epilepsy, high blood pressure, IBS, kidney disease, or rheumatoid arthritis – More information for women
  • a partner or family member supporting someone with a pre-existing medical condition as outlined above – More information for partners/family members
  • a Health Care Professional involved in providing preconception care to women with any pre-existing physical or mental health condition. This may be as part of routine ongoing medical care, and/or specific pre-pregnancy care or advice – More information for Health Care Professionals.
If you have any friends or family members who meet the above criteria and would like to take part, please let them know about the PEAcH Study.

How will the study work?

  • If you would like to take part, please follow the link to more information, and read the relevant information sheet for you.
  • The information sheet includes a secure online survey to provide initial information, confirm consent and give your contact details.
  • Heather will then contact you via email to arrange an interview via Zoom.

Where do I find out more?

Follow the study on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, or email