Getty image 676570464. Spotting the seriously sick child. Research Festival 2021. Baby and doctor.
iPoorly is designed for parents and carers who want information on symptoms of acute childhood illness (those illnesses that have sudden onset and are short term) displayed by a child under five years of age. It is designed to help parents to assess the severity of their child’s illness and know how to care for them.
The app is also designed to help parents record their child’s symptoms and be able to share that information with health professionals if they wish. Information is provided within the app on the commonest presenting symptoms of childhood illness. The app is intended to be a tool to offer information and support throughout the decision making process.
The iPoorly app development team are working in collaboration with patient and public involvement (PPI) partners and first contact professionals, building on the previous work of the wider ASKSNIFF team.
If you wish to contact us about iPoorly, please email us at