We want to find out about parents’ experiences of using websites or apps, when they have a sick child under five years. What do parents find difficult, easy, useful or not useful and how would they like it to work? We are asking parents in under-represented communities. We are looking at illnesses that happen suddenly and do not last very long. These illnesses are more common in children under five, such as coughs, colds and less common serious infections like meningitis and pneumonia.
When we want health information and health services, we are expected to use technology more and more. If children are ill at home for example, parents need information to help them decide what to do. Information is often online such as on websites or mobile apps to book and attend appointments or for video meetings with health staff. Not everyone is able to use technology, this may include people on low incomes without computers, those who lack reading skills and other minority groups, who are often not included in research projects. When asking parents what we should call this group of people in our research they suggested “under-represented.”