Designated in 2003, the Lundy no take zone was the first of its kind in the UK and one of only four which currently exist in the UK including Lamlash Bay on the Isle of Arran, Flamborough Head in Yorkshire, and the Medway Estuary in Kent. It provides a unique opportunity to study the effect of strict levels of marine protection, which would provide valuable evidence to support the designation of the Highly Protected Marine Areas which have been proposed.
In the summer of 2022, the University of Plymouth conducted a potting study at Lundy with the aim to assess whether the designation of an NTZ provides increased economic value to commercial fishers in the form of increased catch. The idea being that the exclusion of all fishing allows stocks to recover and overspill into the surrounding water for harvest. If successful, this system should enhance fisheries, generate carbon & biodiversity revenue, and develop tourism in coastal areas