RURITAGE is a four-year EU-funded research project, initiated June 2018, which strives to enable rural regeneration and local growth through natural and cultural heritage.
The project aims to sustainably enhance local heritage for regional and community development with the help of the Systemic Innovation Areas (SIA) framework, which identifies unique heritage potential within rural communities. SIAs focus on areas such as Pilgrimage, Resilience, Sustainable Local Food Production, Integrated Landscape Management, Migration and Art and Festivals.
The project encourages the exchange of knowledge between communities, business and academic partners. By working with ‘Role Model’ partners, the project provides successful rural regeneration scenarios and ‘lessons learnt’ to communities willing to adopt and test these scenarios to regenerate their areas around their own unique potential; these are called Replicators.
Each Replicator team received intensive training on how to design and implement change using local recourses, and by including local stakeholders into the decision and implementation process. They developed strategies on how to re-discover local cultural and natural heritage, how to navigate social change and community dialogue, and how to monitor the progress of actions. In the following two years, Replicators will implement their heritage-inspired actions. The project will monitor this process to demonstrate how the investment in local natural and cultural heritage becomes an engine for the sustainable regeneration of rural areas.