Wistman's Wood
This event took place on 3 September 2024 from 09:30–17:00. This conference was a space to discuss the state of temperate rainforests, knowledge gaps and research opportunities.
This conference was hosted by the Sustainable Earth Institute in partnership with the Woodland Trust and the South West Rainforest Alliance, supported by the Entrepreneurial Futures project.  
With keynotes from leading experts and talks from the South West Rainforest Alliance and the Woodland Trust, the day brought together academics and practitioners with a shared passion for temperate rainforests to deepen our collective understanding of this fragile ecosystem and its global significance.  
The conference aimed to set new agendas in temperate rainforest research by supporting cross-sectoral engagement, starting with a global view, before exploring local challenges and research. 
Our talks covered three broad themes:  
  1. Protecting temperate rainforests, and the indicators of their health
  2. Restoring and renewing temperate rainforests and opportunities for co-benefits
  3. Communicating and engaging with temperate rainforests.
Following these talks, we introduced the South West Rainforest Alliance and discussed the first State of the South West Temperate Rainforest mapping and report.  
The day closed by discussing how we might bring local action together with global perspectives to better protect and restore this globally distributed ecosystem.  

Conference Leads

Entrepreneurial Futures aims to inspire innovation and drive economic growth by connecting businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly with the region’s further and higher education institutions through research and development-led activities. The project is funded through a £5.6 million investment from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Hosted by the Sustainable Earth Institute

The Sustainable Earth Institute is about promoting a new way of thinking about the future of our world.
We bring researchers together with businesses, community groups and individuals to develop cutting-edge research and innovative approaches that build resilience to global challenges. 
We link diverse research areas across the University including science, engineering, arts, humanities, health and business.
Aerial view from high altitude of little planet earth with small village houses and distant green cultivated agricultural fields with growing crops on bright summer evening