Gullies caused by erosion in the East African Rift System of Tanzania (Image: Carey Marks/University of Plymouth)
Gullies caused by erosion in the East African Rift System of Tanzania (Image: Carey Marks/University of Plymouth)
This SEI Research Forum event took place on 29 February 2024.
This event was an opportunity to bring together University of Plymouth researchers from across all disciplines who are interested in collaborating with international partners on global challenges.
The workshop aimed to feed into the delivery of these plans and to develop a number of interdisciplinary project ideas that might be taken forward and developed further.
The workshop was open to all University of Plymouth researchers – any discipline or any stage of career.
Even if attendees were unable to attend, we asked that they please help us understand the research underway internationally by completing the booking form. We then shared this information on the day to aid discussion and ideas for future research projects


13:45 | Tea, coffee, cake and networking
14:00 | Welcome and aims for the workshop – Professor Will Blake
14:05 | University Partnership for Sustainability and Climate Innovation – Professor Raphael Offiong, University of Calabar, Nigeria
14:15 | University College Cork – Strategic Research Partnership – Dr Paul Bolger, University College Cork
14:25 | Tackling soil erosion research in East Africa and Latin America – Professor Will Blake 
14:35 | Ocean and society research in Europe and South East Asia – Professor Melanie Austen 
14:45 | Research funding opportunities for international partnerships – Ewa Thompson
14:55 | Introduction to table breakout – Professor Will Blake
15:00 | Table breakout discussion: What research is underway and how can we join up in:
15:50 | Wrap up and next steps – Professor Will Blake 
16:00 | Final close