Friday 24 June
Workshop: Grappling with the Future: An Introduction to climate change models with Professor Camille Parmesan
A workshop providing an opportunity to engage with various climate change models from a world leading climate change scientist. The workshop will introduce various IPCC climate change models using an interactive approach.
Professor Camille Parmessan biography: For nearly 20 years, the focus of Camille’s work has been on biological impacts of anthropogenic climate change in natural systems. She has been involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in varying capacities for more than 15 years (e.g. as Lead Author, Reviewer), and was an named official contributor to IPCC receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. She is lead author of the most highly cited paper on climate change.
Dr Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir is Professor of Sustainability Science at the Institute of Earth Sciences and Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland (UI). Dr Ragnarsdottir´s transdisciplinary studies include determining sustainability indicators and ecosystem services for soil as well as developing frameworks, processes and indicators for sustainable communities with food security at the centre.
Vala was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Framework 7 Environment Programme from 2006-2008. She has been a member of grant research panels for the EC (Brussels), NERC (UK), NSF (USA) and ESA (Netherlands).
From biochemistry, microbiology and ecotoxicology, to ecology, animal behaviour and evolution, biology research within the University of Plymouth is broad. Find out more about the University’s biology research and the labs where some of it takes place.
Show: Immersive Vision Theatre: Cosmic Perspective – A journey from Earth to the edge of the observable Universe with Luke Christison
We present the University of Plymouth's Immersive Vision Theatre, a planetarium reborn as a transdisciplinary instrument for creating and exploring science and art.
Come and witness our most popular show 'The Cosmic Perspective', a live and interactive demonstration with Luke Christison, tracking the frontiers of cosmic discovery and understanding.
A journey from Earth to the edge of the Observable Universe while exploring the wonders in between, from our detailed solar system to the mapping of distant galaxies. Your view of our world will never be the same again.
Tour: University of Plymouth Marine Building and Labs with Elaine Budd
Opened in October 2012, the University of Plymouth's £19 million Marine Building is an unmatched facility for testing marine renewable energy solutions and helping the world adapt to climate change.
The Marine Building is home to the Coastal, Ocean and Sediment Transport (COAST) laboratory. This is a flexible facility with the capability to generate short and long-crested waves in combination with currents at any relative direction, sediment dynamics, tidal effects and shortly wind. A fantastic opportunity to see a facility that is working at the cutting edge of technology.
Tour: Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre with Dr Natasha Stephen
Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre (PEMC) offers expert and specialist support to students, researchers, academics and industry. We have a comprehensive range of light microscopes, electron microscopes, imaging processing and analysis software providing support to a range of disciplines within the University of Plymouth, external research organisations and industry clients.
Our equipment is integrated with sophisticated software for image analysis, image processing and x-ray characterisation of materials, with facilities for rapid report generation. Remote, real-time SEM operation is also available.
Self-directed time