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Improving governance and management
Blue Communities identified a need for new or improved approaches to – or innovations in – marine management
Tropical marine and coastal ecosystems – coral reefs, mangroves, seagrasses – are vital for the livelihoods, food security and well-being of millions of people in Southeast Asia. However, many families are locked in poverty as the marine resources that they depend on dwindle due to destructive practices, overharvesting and the deterioration of ecosystems. Current management of tropical marine resources is not effective. Blue Communities identified a need for new or improved approaches to – or innovations in – marine management.
Analysis of promising innovations in marine planning in three UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam, and a large marine park in Malaysian Borneo formed part of the programme. Using a newly designed Participatory Marine Governance Analysis toolkit, the work revealed the enablers and barriers to the design and implementation of the innovations to find opportunities to improve management of the marine reserves and parks. The innovations studied included marine zoning, the development of tourism livelihoods as an alternative to destructive fishing, and the establishment of marine protected areas.
The project enabled Blue Communities’ partners and key stakeholders to systematically analyse the governance context within which they are working, and for other stakeholders participating in the process to learn from each other and reflect on ways to improve the performance of marine governance in the future.
Marine planning programmes and projects also tend to focus on win-win solutions, where two or more social, economic and ecological objectives are achieved simultaneously. However, mounting evidence has shown that such win-wins are elusive because objectives often compete with, rather than complement, each other.

In Blue Communities, we also sought to find ways to support decision-makers make hard decisions in marine planning. While many programmes and policies often promise to benefit both people and planet, such win-wins can be elusive in reality. Interventions (e.g. policies, management actions, and new technologies) typically result in gains for some people, sectors, or ecosystems, but losses for others. The distribution of gains and losses are known as “trade-offs”. We explored marine practitioners approaches in Southeast Asia for dealing with such trade-offs. We then developed an innovative participatory tool, MaPTA, discussed below to support trade-off decision-making in the future.

Blue Communities successfully developed a new tool called Marine Planning Trade-off Analysis (MaPTA). MapTA is a participatory process that helps marine planning practitioners identify and assess the acceptability of potential trade-offs resulting from their programmes and interventions.
- Watch Introducing MaPTA: Marine Planning Trade-off Analysis on YouTube.
View the Offline Toolkit .
Tools, findings and resources
List of publications
Fortnam et al. 2023,
Practitioner approaches to trade-off decision-making in marine conservation development
, People and Nature
Fortnam et al. 2022,
Polycentricity in practice: Marine governance transitions in Southeast Asia
, Environmental Science and Policy
Garniati et al. 2019,
Towards sustainable marine and coastal planning for Taka Bonerate Kepulauan Selayar Biosphere Reserve: Indonesian case study to The Global Challenge Research Fund Blue Communities Project
, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Goh, 2021,
Strategies for post-Covid-19 prospects of Sabah’s tourist market – Reactions to shocks caused by pandemic or reflection for sustainable tourism?
, Research in Globalization
Madarcos et al. 2022,
Doing marine spatial zoning in coastal marine tropics: Palawan's Environmental Critical Areas Network (ECAN)
, Marine Policy
Praptiwi et al. 2021,
Tourism-Based Alternative Livelihoods for Small Island Communities Transitioning towards a Blue Economy
, Sustainability
Zain et al. 2022,
What are the outcomes of marine site protection on poverty of coastal communities in Southeast Asia? A systematic review protocol
, Environmental Evidence
Queiros et al. 2021,
Bright spots as climate-smart marine spatial planning tools for conservation and blue growth
, Global Change Biology
Downloadable resources
Paper publications
Policy brief
Improving governance and management sketchnotes

Governing large marine biosphere reserves and parks – country specific

Making trade-offs in marine conservation and development – country specific

Satellite mapping of coastal habitats and aquaculture – country specific