The Eden Project
Lauranne is committed to building a sustainable society, and swapped a career in Physics for Environmental Engineering, to achieve this goal. She has strong knowledge of global development scenarios, spatial data management and visualisation, as well as data analysis.
Read about the project Lauranne is supporting below.
Pixalytics Ltd develops Earth observation products, including near-real time agricultural products to determine elements such as soil moisture, land surface temperatures, and evapotranspiration. They sought support to assess product efficiency within the UK, by comparing them with in-situ measurements. North Wyke Farm Platform will act as a key test-site, alongside measurements from the wider COSMOS-UK sensor network. Impact Lab partner, Rothamsted Research, is providing expertise and support about their data. The University of Plymouth is providing support on the analysis and visualisation to compare in-situ data from North Wyke Platform and COSMOS-UK with Pixalytics products. This will enable assessment of their Earth observation products on accuracy for systematic generation over the UK, as a commercial product, together with any suggestions for further development.
Treeconomics is working with municipalities, academics, private companies and communities to highlight the benefits of trees in urban environments. With Impact Lab’s assistance, the company intends to develop a product to rate urban forest efficiency and develop this market in the UK with international potential.
The product will make use of satellite data to allow for more replicable, lower cost projects. It will provide a metric for urban forest managers and master planners to assess the performance of their green infrastructures and target new tree planting. Satellite data will also be used to assess tree health and features, with Impact lab helping to develop a prototype. Treeconomics is planning to bid for European Space Agency funding to develop the project further in the future.
The Eden Project