• Dr Tomasina Oh
    Associate Professor - Dementia Research
    • Psychology
    • Health services
    • Experimental methods
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Martha Paisi
    Senior Research Fellow in Public Health
    • Health inequalities
    • Public health
    • Health services
    • Epidemiology
    • Mixed-methods
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)
  • Professor Richard Byng
    Professor in Primary Care Research/PenARC Deputy Director
    • Health
    • General Practice
    • Mental health
    • Primary care
    • Psychiatry
    • Health services
    • Offender health
    • Hospital admissions
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Kerryn Husk
    Associate Professor of Health Services (Research)
    • Health services
    • Social prescribing
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Julian Elston
    Senior Research Fellow- Integrated Care Evaluation
    • Social prescribing
    • Public health
    • Health services
    • Mixed-methods
    • Participatory action research
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Tristan Price
    Lecturer in Clinical Education
    • Health services
    • Clinical education
    • Qualitative research
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Hannah Wheat
    Senior Research Fellow in Dementia Research
    • Health services
    • Primary care
    • Analysing conversation
    • Qualitative research
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Nicola Brennan
    Associate Professor (Research) in Medical Education
    • Health services
    • Healthcare education
    • Mixed-methods
    • Qualitative research
    • Systematic reviews
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Dr Cath Quinn
    Senior Research Fellow
    • Health inequalities
    • Health services
    • Mental health
    • Primary care
    • Public health
    • Offender health
    • Socially marginalised groups
    • Appreciative inquiry
    • Discourse analysis
    • Framework analysis
    • Grounded theory
    • Mixed-methods
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)
  • Professor Sheena Asthana
    Director of Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research
    • Health services
    • NHS
    • Health inequalities
    • Health resource allocation
    • eHealth
    • Social prescribing
    • Formula funding
    • Public health
    • Applied statistics
    • Before-and-after studies
    • Big Data
    • Epidemiology
    School/Division: Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)