Lindsay Badger (Plymouth Business School) | Mental health issues from different perspectives
Mental health issues at work is an under researched field of study but has the potential to highlight, challenge and change experiences of work for people with mental health issues. To do this though, multiple perspectives need to be considered and looked at, including the individual themselves and line managers.
The aim of the talk was to discuss these views, the importance of looking at the different viewpoints and insights for practice.
Felix Gradinger (Peninsula Medical School) | Embedded research - being helpful in the real world
What are embedded researchers-in-residence and why do we need them now?
It takes 17 years on average for evidence to reach practice. Most researchers assume it is someone else's responsibility to implement it. In the meantime, people in the real world innovate all the time without researchers learning from it. There is a clear opportunity for mutual benefit in filling these gaps and prevent waste.
Felix talked about his experiences (good and bad) over the past five years and shared examples of the impact of co-producing knowledge for action (for example increasing capacity for mutual learning, empowering the voluntary sector, making sure the public voice is heard, holding the system to account, and identifying areas of unmet need for further research and improvement).