Coastal Processes Research Group - Loe Bar near Porthleven, Cornwall
  • 6th Floor, Rolle Building, Plymouth University

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Building on the findings of our recent research we explored how we can meet the climate change challenge.
Climate change is widely acknowledged as the most pressing societal challenge of the 21st century. This interactive event built on the latest social science thinking in order to understand how people view the role of public engagement and what policy responses to climate change are seen as most desirable and why.
The session brought together policy makers, academics and the public and opened up a new conversation about the role of citizens in facilitating climate mitigation. Researchers from the University, along with external speakers from the Fleming Policy Centre, facilitated discussion with audience members about how policy might best be leveraged to engage people in climate change, whether this was considered desirable and what the alternatives might be. This event set out the feasible alternatives for meeting the climate change budgets and helped participants to reflect on what is desirable and/or challenging about each of these.
By looking at options at this level of detail, members of the audience could articulate more clearly the kind of future they want to see and the role they see themselves and other members of the public having in delivering that. Participants' views were included as part of ongoing research to understand how people view the role of public engagement and what policy responses to climate change are seen as most desirable and why.
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Biography: Professor Alison Anderson

Alison is Professor of Sociology in the School of Government at the University of Plymouth and holds an Adjunct Professorship in the School of Social Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne. Her work focuses on public engagement and science communication. She has published numerous articles on communicating climate change. Her books include Media, Culture & the Environment(Routledge, 1997) and Media, Environment and the Network Society, published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Routledge journal, Environmental Communication, official journal of the International Environmental Communication Association.

Biography: Dr Victoria Hurth

Victoria works on solutions to environmental and social issues across the fields of academia, business and the third sector. Her background in marketing, initially working for 3M and then as a marketing consultant for Accenture has been supplemented by a MSc in Environment and Development in South Africa and PhD in Sustainable Consumption at Exeter University. She is currently an Associate Professor in Marketing at the University of Plymouth and her research includes advancing sustainable marketing and understanding philanthropic behaviour. Victoria has worked on various business consulting and sustainability community projects including being a founder Director of Bread and Roses CIC. She is a regional board member for the Chartered Management Institute, a Chartered Marketer (CIM), a Chartered Manager (CMgr), a Fellow of LEAD International, the UK Lead expert for ISO on Sustainable City Indicators and a board member of the Fleming Policy Centre.

Biography: Emily Cox

Emily is a researcher at Sussex University and worked as a research assistant as part of the Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (between Fleming Policy Centre and an Oxford University researcher).

Biography: Dr Rory Shand

Rory is Senior Lecturer in Public Services at Manchester Metropolitan University, which he joined in 2015. Prior to this role, he was Lecturer in Public Policy and Management, and also held two Associate Head of School posts, in the School of Government at the University of Plymouth. Rory’s research interests focus on governance networks and regeneration initiatives. He has forthcoming work in Policy Studies and monographs with Routledge and Palgrave in addition to his first book, Governing Sustainable Urban Renewal: Partnerships in Action(Routledge, 2013) and has worked with the Department for Communities and Local Government and various think tanks. He has also co-authored work on partnerships in public service delivery and on environmental policy and trust under New Labour.

Biography: Shaun Chamberlin

Shaun is Chair of the Ecological Land Co-operative and managing director of the Fleming Policy Centre. He has been involved with the Transition Network since its inception. Author of The Transition Timeline, he has also served as an adviser to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, a Director of the World Development Movement, and co-authored the All Party Parliamentary Report into TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas).

Biography: Chris Shaw

Chris is a researcher at Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN). He has over ten years' experience of contributing to and leading a wide range of cutting-edge climate research programmes. In 2014 he was awarded funding for a one year Knowledge Exchange Research Fellowship at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.

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