Emma Legg and Kelly Kinch, BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies students designed and created resources for children, families and practitioners to promote learning through play. During a work based learning module in the second year, the students were approached by an early years practitioner for help with how to encourage learning through play.
Partnership working
Emma Legg talks to a teacher in the community to discuss their experiences of partnership working between students and a local school. The video explores the benefits of partnerships between settings and students in problem based learning.
Importance of Play
Emma and Kelly created five resource packs to promote play, creativity, and imagination. The resources were then shared among several classes and partner schools to help encourage children and families to play together.
There is a lot of focus on academic subjects, which can overlook the importance of play. Their resources provide a range of activities, including videos to watch and a set of useful questions to help parents/carers prompt and promote learning.
Each of the resources are based on a storybook, and the students created their resource pack from home to ensure children could complete the activities in a variety of settings. Emma and Kelly reflected on the different resources and items for children that may not have access to ingredients, arts and crafts. They considered various ways such as making a cake out of playdough or recycled cardboard.
Learning Through Play resources
The following resources can be downloaded and printed, or used online for ideas to promote learning through play