Stage one: workshops
Stage one entails qualitative research in the form of six online and/or face-to-face workshops (to avoid digital exclusion as we know this to be an issue in coastal communities), consisting of up to 20 people undertaken across six English regions with a significant coastal presence (North-East, North-West, Yorkshire, South-East, East of England and the South-West).
The purpose of the workshops is to: (i) introduce the project; (ii) provide a forum for questions and answers; and (iii) solicit input on the design, content and targeting of an online questionnaire stakeholder survey.
What will you have to do if you agree to take part in face-to-face and/or online workshops?
Attendance to both the face-to-face and online workshops is voluntary. During the workshop, your views on the focus, design, content, useability, and updatability of a coastal classification will be sought to inform the creation of a stakeholder questionnaire that will be used to aid its co-design.