“Levelling Up” and coastal communities
‘Levelling up’ must involve many actors – not just government. But this presentation will concentrate on what government(s) can – and cannot – do itself.
The possibilities will be framed using a “tools of government” approach which focuses on what governments can do.
This will cover four ‘tool sets’: money – getting taxes and spending public money; organisation – how government(s), including local government, is structured; authority – how laws and regulations can be used; and finally knowledge – what do we know, and not know, about coastal communities and how can governments find out?
Each of these have unique features in a coastal communities context. And of course any policy mix they can be combined to produce change.
About the speaker
Colin Talbot is Professor of Government (Emeritus) at the University of Manchester, a Research Associate at the
Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, and a Senior Research Fellow with the Federal Trust.
Colin has researched, advised and consulted with a wide range of governments and public agencies in the UK and internationally. He’s frequently appeared as an expert witness in Parliament, advised two Select Committees and appeared in the media many times.
On a personal note, Colin was born and brought up in one coastal community (Dover) and spent his secondary school years in another (Barrow).