Landscape photo showing lake surrounded by plants and trees
The primary goal of the Initiation Grant is to establish relationships with key impact partners for the 'Co-Creating Colonial History with the James Bay Cree' project. This initiative aims to delve into the Cree-Scottish culture of the James Bay Cree and its hybrid material culture, which consists of descendants of Hudson Bay Company staff from Orkney. In the long term, the project intends to generate impact that will benefit the Indigenous communities supported by the partner organisations.
Co-creation and partnership
The relationship between people and place – community, identity and belonging  – is at the heart of the planned impact activities to be undertaken with our key project partners.
To develop an impact with community groups of Indigenous peoples, it is essential to work in co-production with their own community and heritage organisations.  Further discussion is needed with our project partners to discuss their involvement, the nature and scope of the proposed impact activities, who the participants will be and how the impact will be evidenced.
The next step is to submit a significant AHRC application to undertake the proposed research and impact discussed with partner organisations and the community.  
Hudson Bay Cree