Coastal Marine Applied Research (CMAR) equipment (hire available)
CMAR has a comprehensive range of equipment for survey, hydrodynamic and morphological measurements. All equipment listed is available for hire.

Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) for measuring beach morphology
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) with Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) for measuring beach morphology
Un-manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with Global Positioning System (GPS) enables topographic surveying with high spatial coverage and resolution
Single beam bathymetry survey system mounted on our Rigid Inflatable Boat, RV-CODY for nearshore coastal and estuarine surveying
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) for measuring currents due to waves, tides, and turbulence
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for measuring currents at various depths in the water column
Terrestrial Lidar tower for measuring wave transformation and runup
Ground water wells and a pair of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs) for measuring beach face hydrodynamics
Video camera tower for measuring wave dissipation patterns and runup
MiniBAT undulating vehicle with conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) sensor, as well as optical sensors
GPS drifters: used to measure lagrangian current velocities, with capability up to several kilometres from shore. We have used these extensively for the measurement of nearshore rip currents and for the validation of hydrodynamic models. We have a large fleet of drifters available, with on-board logging or live-feed data telemetry up to 2km from shore
Survey equipment |
UAV DJI-Phantom 4 Pro: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for collection of topographic survey data using structure from motion (SFM) imagery
UAV DJI-Phantom 4 Pro RTK: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with onboard RTK-GPS geo-location for collection of topographic survey data using structure from motion (SFM) imagery
Valeport Midas Surveyor: single-beam echo sounder used to collect bathymetric data
All-terrain vehicle: used in combination with the RTK-GPS equipment to rapidly collect topographic surveys over large spatial extents (kilometres)
RV CODY inshore survey vessel: Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) used to collect shallow water bathymetry survey data and for the deployment of research instruments in the nearshore. RYA SCV Cat4 coded vessel (restricted) for nearshore operation UK wide
Acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCP): to measure water current velocities at a range of frequencies and depths
ADCP bedframes: trawl-resistant housing for ADCP, with quick-release acoustic pop-up buoy capability
Aquadopp profilers: to measure water current velocities at a range of frequencies (0.4–2MHz) and depths (4–90m)
Vector Velocimeter: high-resolution 3D velocity and pressure data. Fixed stem and flexible stem versions are available.
Vectrino Velocimeter: high-resolution 3D measurements of water velocity fluctuations, at sample rates of up to 200Hz
Valeport current meter: collects single point current data for real-time applications
Sand Ripple Profiling Sonar-dual head: generates a topographic profile of the sand and ripples as they are transported underneath the sonar
Aquascat 1000R: high-frequency acoustic instrument that measures suspended sediment up to a depth of 1000m
3D Imaging Sonar 5150: revolving transducer that generates three dimensional surface plots of the seabed at distances of up to 400m
RBR Solo pressure transducer: records water temperature, atmospheric pressure, and sea pressure to a depth of 20m.
Oceanor wave buoys: wave measurement buoy for coastal and harbour operations
Augmented Reality Sandbox: hands-on interactive learning sandbox used to simulate water flow over infinitely variable 3D topographic landforms
Sediment calibration facility: recirculates water and sediment particles throughout the system to look at the suspension and settling of sediment at different depths
TriOS sensor: OPUS UV spectral sensor, to measure NO3-N, NO2-N, organic ingredients, and a number of other parameters with capabilities up to 300m depth
Micro-structure profiler (MSS90): instrument for precision vertical profiling of microstructure within the upper 2000m of water column
Valeport SWiFT SVP: sound velocity, conductivity, temperature, density, salinity, and pressure profiler
MiniBAT: tow sampling platform for taking measurements at various depths
Rosette water sampler: water sampler for coastal, estuarine, and large lake ecological monitoring to depths of 600m
Sonadyne lightweight acoustic release transponder: used to moor instruments in 500m of water. Working load of 125kg. Optional rope canister for recovery. Up to four years deployment
Sonadyne deep water acoustic release transponder: used to moor strings up to 6,000m depth. Working load of 1,275 kg. Up to two years deployment
To further our understanding of the impacts of storms on our coastline, we have developed the rapid storm response unit. This vehicle has everything we need to go out and monitor hydro and morpho dynamics during extremely high-energy conditions at the coast. The unit can be mobilised at short notice – an essential prerequisite to capturing pre, during, and post storm conditions. Over the last three years this has recorded data from some of the largest storms to have hit the British coastline since records began.
The Atlantic storms of 2013-2014 were some of the largest on record, and we were there measuring their effect on the British coastline. Our LIDAR tower can be seen on the seawall in this image capturing the impact of this huge wave
Our storm response trailer provides the perfect shelter and viewing platform to monitor storm activity right in front of our study sites
Camera stations set up and ready to monitor wave uprush and backwash
Hydrodynamic and bed level sensors, including our lidar tower, collect un-precedented data in high-energy wave conditions.
Preparing for a beach survey
The rapid storm response unit being deployed
Storm chasers collecting morphological data.
Meteorological measurements
School of Biological and Marine Sciences, Reynolds Building 119, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA