Hunrosa: Digital solutions to sleeplessness
Helping parents and health care professionals resolve sleep problems in young people
An EPIC project

As a small business owner, you’re always doing several things and one of the extra things you don’t need is to have to chase people. The great thing about EPIC is the team doesn’t just leave you to it. It’s felt like it’s been a journey that EPIC has been with me on together. All the business support has been really helpful and the workshops in the EPICentre have been great. The digital marketing workshop was the first event I attended after the pandemic and it was just so lovely to attend in person, but also the way it was run was great. Kirsty was so welcoming and I thoroughly enjoyed it– having the option to attend the workshops online is brilliant too.
Sometimes you put in applications for things and just hear ‘no’ and you think ‘Well, can I have some feedback?’ The nice thing about EPIC is that Ben worked with me on it, and you got the feeling that he really wanted you to get there in the end. People at EPIC have been very realistic and very positive and very encouraging.
“The vast majority of sleep issues can be resolved without medication,”
“We’ve worked out a really neat way of providing sleep information to CAMHS in particular but also paediatrics and the NHS and they get the fact that it saves them money.”