We study environmental exposures and risks of legacy pollutants, such as metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), in freshwater and marine environments. Linking to the Stockholm Convention and related international legislation, we are working to understand exposure pathways in marine ecosystems, including dietary and waterborne exposure pathways (e.g. endocrine disrupters, flame-retardants and microplastics). Building on our expertise in contaminated land assessments, we address the toxicity of metals used in nanomaterials on soil organisms such as earthworms. Our collective skills in environmental chemistry, modelling, toxicology and risk assessment ensures that we are ideally placed to address future emerging chemical risks in freshwater, marine and terrestrial environments.
Some of our focus is aimed at the identification of emerging pollutants. This includes work on plastics and plastics additives in collaboration with the
International Marine Litter Research Unit, taking advantage of our analytical chemistry laboratories and
consolidated radioisotope facility. The NERC MINIMISE project uses cutting edge technologies to deliver new knowledge of the risks posed by microplastics, aiming to work towards solutions, and support informed choices about the sustainable use of plastic and associated contaminants. Other emerging pollutants of interest are chemicals derived from oil production, such as oil sands or marine platforms. Regulatory authorities classify substances discharged to the marine environment according to environmental risk, however, the presence of unknown components with uncharacterized and potential long-term toxicity is not covered. In the PW-Exposed project, we use our instrumentation for high resolution accurate mass-Orbitrap mass spectrometry in order to characterise these compounds and assist ecotoxicological risk assessments.