Tom Murphy tree planting
Low Carbon Devon provided post-doctoral research support in the following areas: green wall sector, power electronics, creative industry sector, and energy efficiency in buildings (occupant behaviour). The project also provided post-doctoral support in other areas through the The Devon Net Zero Innovation Fund.

Green walls

The Low Carbon Devon project's green wall industrial Research Fellow Dr Thomas Murphy used his interest in nature-based solutions to optimise the performance and viability of green walls in sustainable building design. He held two events and worked with Devon enterprises to share information and best practice around the design, installation and maintenance of green walls. 
Thomas says:
“With an expanding urban population, ‘green infrastructure’ provides an opportunity to tackle climate change, air pollution and biodiversity loss, whilst facilitating low carbon economic growth. Green walls can offer heating/cooling savings (CO2), improved air quality, noise reduction and elevated health and well-being. This project is a fantastic opportunity to kick start innovation by local enterprises to engender sustainable low carbon growth in Devon.”

Energy efficiency in buildings (occupant behaviour)

Dr Sepideh Korsavi was the Low Carbon Devon Industrial Research Fellow specialising in energy-efficient buildings. Her research interests centre on buildings' sustainable design, maintenance and performance. She worked with Devon enterprises to use their office and energy data to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor quality. Dr Korsavi advised on how adjustments to indoor environmental quality improve staff well being and productivity, as well as which adaptive behaviours employees can take to save energy.
Dr Korsavi's work also explored the design of schools in relation to indoor air quality which is recognised as a crucial factor affecting pupils’ health and academic performance – holding a well-attended online event to showcase her research and featuring guest speakers who are already making use of her findings. Dr Korsavi's research is summarised in this evidence brief which has been shared with policymakers. 
Adaptive behaviours to improve indoor environmental quality and reduce energy consumption in schools.
Adaptive behaviours can improve indoor environmental quality and reduce energy consumption in schools.

Creative industries 

Low Carbon Devon supported the development of low carbon practices within the creative industries.  Dr Emma Whittaker the Industrial Research Fellow, drew upon the University’s broad spectrum of research expertise to facilitate and advocate the global shift to low carbon within Devon-based creative industries.
Devon has a strong creative sector and with nature and traditional skills often central to people’s work, they tend to be conscious of the impact they leave on the planet.  Many within the sector are sole traders and yet they are finding the time and the inspiration to adapt their practices to reduce their environmental impact. One particular organisation that Emma supported and which really maximised her reach was Make South West, to support them in establishing the Green Maker Initiative which now has over 160 members – here is a short film describing this work.
Visit Low Carbon Devon's Creative Industries.

Power electronics 

Our power electronics industrial Research Fellow Jonathan Bloor supported businesses across Devon to utilise electrical energy in a smarter way through physical or virtual adaptations to existing and new infrastructure. 
Jonathan says:
“In a future where our reliance on green electricity will become dominant for all our energy needs, it’s important that efficiencies for power conversion, transmission and usage are optimised. Our current focus on solar micro-inverters, innovative circuit design and big data will enable Devon-based SMEs to make decisions on how to reduce carbon. Our hope is to bring together the local business community – on land and at sea – to implement power efficiency methodologies to help achieve net zero carbon by 2030.”
Jonny’s applied research with businesses led him to hold a well-attended hybrid event focussed on green hydrogen in December 2022.
Jonathan Bloor, Industrial Research Fellow, Low Carbon Devon