Wordotomy – see the new game taking healthcare teaching by storm
Dr Siobhan Moyes and Dr John Chilton have designed a game to help students understand anatomy terminology
Healthcare students are obviously good at taking on new information, but I realised that many were unaware complex terms could be understood by breaking them down into components. My solution was to create a word game with common clinical word roots printed on one side and the definition on the other, for example ‘cardio’ meaning ‘relating to the heart’.
Dr Siobhan Moyes
Associate Professor of Anatomy
You might think it’s just as easy to Google terms, but certain words aren’t known for their medical meaning – for example, ‘retro’ means behind, but you type ‘retro’ into a search engine and you’ll get examples of fashion!
Dr John Chilton
Associate Professor of Bioscience Communication
“The game is available to buy and profits go back into improving the student experience here. We are starting to use it in our public outreach work too, and we’re so pleased it’s been well received so far.
“One day, Wordotomy could be adapted and expanded to break down words in other disciplines – such as geography, law, or even dinosaurs! We’re really looking forward to what comes next and are so pleased people are making the most of it in the meantime.”
Exceptional clinical and academic learning, social engagement and research in medicine, dentistry, nursing, psychology and health professions.