Volvo Environment Prize 2022 awarded for world-leading microplastics research
Professor Richard Thompson OBE is one of three recipients of the prestigious annual accolade

“has been instrumental in providing societal awareness of plastic pollution as an emerging global challenge and triggering policy actions.”
“We are all delighted and deeply honoured to be this year’s Volvo Environment Prize laureates, and to get such recognition is wonderful for us and our teams. Our collaborations over the past two decades are a perfect example of the joined-up thinking required to address the global issue of microplastic pollution. We want our science to be beneficial to society and to protect our marine environment for future generations.”
“The South West of England has always been at the forefront of plastic research. The three of us have enjoyed an incredible interdisciplinary working relationship for many years, as have our teams of ecologists, economists, chemists, mathematical modelers, chemical engineers and remote sensing scientists. This bringing together of minds across disciplines has allowed us to look at the wider picture. It has meant we can assess the problem, develop novel analysis techniques, challenge the status quo and look towards solutions.”
‘’Achieving what we have achieved has only been possible due to the many scientists, students and collaborators who have been and continue to be involved in this work around the world. Everyone who has contributed to this field of research is helping to bring about positive change for the whole of society and this award recognises all of them.”
Nearly two decades of world-leading research into the effects of marine plastics on our environment by Plymouth researchers, led by Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, has received the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a higher education institution.
Marine litter is a global environmental problem with items of debris now contaminating habitats from the poles to the equator, from the sea surface to the deep sea.
Furthering our understanding of litter on the environment and defining solutions
Find out more about the International Marine Litter Research Unit