Teaching Excellence Framework 2023 rating
The University of Plymouth has been awarded Gold ratings across the board in the latest round of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).
The Government’s Office for Students (OfS), which runs the TEF, praised the student experiences offered by the University as being of outstanding quality.
An independent panel also highlighted outstanding provision across the majority of courses and subjects in relation to student outcomes.
The TEF is a national scheme run by the OfS to encourage higher education providers to improve and deliver excellence in the areas that students care about the most – teaching, learning, and achieving positive outcomes from their studies. 

Achieving TEF Gold is deserved recognition for everyone connected to the University. We have always made a commitment to our students to provide a first-class student experience enriched by research, professional work, and self-development opportunities. This rating reaffirms that approach is yielding results, and providing our graduates with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their careers.

Judith Petts DBEJudith Petts DBE

The University’s commitment to its students is exemplified through the Plymouth Compass framework, designed to help all students develop as a critical and creative learner, sustainable and global citizen, competent and confident professional, and resilient and thriving individual.
Aligned to this, the TEF panel praised the University’s vision for advancing knowledge and transforming lives within local, national and global contexts.
It highlighted the university-wide teaching and learning strategy and its investment in major initiatives and strategic cross-university approaches.
The panel also said there was compelling evidence of positive student feedback and high levels of student satisfaction with teaching and the student experience generally.
And it acknowledged the support provided by the University to ensure every student, regardless of their background or circumstances, can reach their full potential.

Our staff have immense energy, passion and skill that enables our students to enjoy an outstanding experience and education. Delivering excellence in teaching and learning is absolutely core to our mission of advancing knowledge and transforming lives. We are committed to helping students get the most out of their studies and extra-curricular activities, so they are prepared for whatever opportunities and challenges might come their way in the future.

John CurnowJohn Curnow
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education and Student Experience

The TEF rating lasts for four years from September 2023, and full details can be found on the Office for Students website.

Plymouth Compass

While you’re at Plymouth, you’ll gain more than just your degree 

The Plymouth Compass helps you to navigate your way through your whole university experience, in both your taught curriculum and your extra-curricular activities. What you learn at university prepares you for more than a career, so the Compass identifies key attributes in four broad areas of your life - academic, civic, professional, and personal. During your time here, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice and develop these attributes, helping you gain experiences, improve skills, and build networks for your life beyond graduation.

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