Planet Earth as appearing from space with warm sunlight.

Operating sustainably is no longer a choice, it is essential. The vast array of interconnected issues facing our world require action, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. And we believe that investing in sustainable operations is a win-win; it is good for the planet, our business partners, our communities, our students and our staff. It is important to us that we are delivering tangible, real-world benefits through the practical application of our strategy both in the UK and overseas.

"The fact our University has been certified carbon neutral is a clear signal of our ability to deliver, our intent to push boundaries, and our ambition to create a better world. At the time of writing, we are one of only two universities in the UK to have achieved this status. 
"Significant new developments across our city centre campus are supporting us in training future generations of engineers, designers and health professionals who understand the importance of sustainable practices and the new buildings to house these professionals, have also been built to the highest sustainability standards.
Sustainability Solutions launch in London
The University of Plymouth's Sustainability Solutions launch in London

The University is committed to remaining at the forefront of the sustainability revolution. Through research collaborations with business and government, we are focused on supporting the South West to be the UK’s hub of marine autonomy, clean maritime and offshore renewable energy. Further development is dependent on sustainable funding for the Higher Education sector. With that in place, universities will continue to pioneer approaches and provide the world with the science, skills, and talent needed to safeguard the future of the planet.

"You can read more about our journey to net zero, our trailblazing work and how we are tackling the challenges outlined in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through Sustainability Solutions. You will see that as an institution, we are fully committed to delivering on the promise of securing a greener, cleaner future, working in partnership with communities, industry, policy makers and individuals to bring about the paradigm shifts and cultural changes our planet needs to thrive.

Everyone here at Plymouth is determined to find positive solutions to any problem that stands in the way of progress. We know that we can only do that by striving for excellence, facilitating creative collaborations, and seeking to work together with like-minded individuals and organisations in productive partnerships. I hope this window into our world of Sustainability Solutions inspires you to support our efforts and join us in seeking a brighter future for our planet and its people.

Judith Petts DBEJudith Petts DBE

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability Solutions

With our mission to advance knowledge and transform lives, the University of Plymouth embodies the spirit of enterprise and deep commitment to sustainability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals inform and inspire all our research and teaching, as well as underpinning the way we work.
Sustainability Solutions is our commitment to delivering on the promise of securing a greener, cleaner future, working in partnership with communities, industry, policymakers and individuals to bring about the paradigm shifts and cultural changes our world needs to thrive.