Scientists from the University of Plymouth are working as part of a new £20 million initiative aimed at reducing disaster risk for the poor in tomorrow’s cities.
The UKRI GCRF Multi-hazard Urban Disaster Risk Transitions Hub will coordinate research and policy teams in Istanbul, Kathmandu, Nairobi and Quito, supported by UK and international scientists.
Led by the University of Edinburgh, it will aim to enhance sustainable urban development, catalysing a transition from crisis management to disaster risk-informed planning and decision-making in cities in developing countries.
This, it is envisaged, will be achieved through partnerships in and between targeted cities, and globally through collaborating international governance organisations.
Professor of Geoscience Communication Iain Stewart will be helping to lead the communications focus of the hub, building on existing expertise at the University of Plymouth.
Researchers have previously focussed on studies into volcanoes, tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes, and effectively communicating with communities at risk of natural disasters.