ENNE students nurses and educators
Student nurses have travelled from all over Europe to the University of Plymouth to take part in a major event sharing skills, knowledge and expertise. 
The University welcomed students from the European Network of Nursing in Higher Education (ENNE) – a consortium of 14 universities, including Plymouth, dedicated to improving innovations in nurse education and broadening students' horizons.
Held at a different member institution every year, the ENNE annual conference puts students through their paces, and it was the first time the gathering had been held in England.
The week-long programme of events included developing a healthcare plan, visiting clinical skills facilities, and enquiry-based learning.  
Five students from Plymouth – Osas Ojo, Ama Oneyor, Nicholas Thomas, Zoe Tudor and Liam Yeo – took part in the event and explained the value they gained.

In the NHS you’re going to meet so many different people from so many different backgrounds and nationalities, and you have to work together to solve problems.

This week has been an amazing opportunity to do so, and there are times when you respectfully disagree but still collaborate – communication is so important to ensure the best outcome for a patient.
Ama Oneyor
Third-year student nurse 

I would say participating in ENNE has been the highlight of my degree.

Learning together and from the other students has equipped me with valuable communication skills that I will take into my nursing role. Exploring our similarities and respecting each other's differences during our scenarios played a pivotal role in beginning to work together as a team. The social element of this week was fun and tiring but helped form lifelong friendships – I would highly recommend this opportunity to future students.
Zoe Tudor
Third-year student nurse

It’s been a great week of learning, and absolutely full on.

As well as doing the clinical side of learning, and understanding differences in the member institutions' teaching, we’ve had presentations from each country, so we've found out more about different cultures. It's made me consider other opportunities around Europe and definitely broadened my horizons. 
Nicholas Thomas
Second-year student nurse
ENNE nursing conference
ENNE nursing conference
ENNE nursing conference

Each year one of the ENNE partners takes turn to host the one-week Intensive Programme and this year, by popular demand, we held it for the first time.

It was a brilliant event with 68 people in total, and we’re really proud of the wonderful compliments we received about our campus and clinical skills. 
The key strategies of the ENNE are to share expertise and offer joint projects, which were absolutely at the forefront of what we achieved. I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part.”

Claire ButlerClaire Butler
Associate Head (International) of the University of Plymouth’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, who organised the conference

Faculty of Health

Exceptional clinical and academic learning, social engagement and research in medicine, dentistry, nursing, psychology and health professions.
Child Nursing skills session. Nursing and midwifery facilities. 2 male nurses