Scientists have produced the first detailed estimates of how much sediment is transported onto the shores of coral reef islands, and how that might enable them to withstand the future threats posed by climate change.
Coral reef islands are low-lying accumulations of sand and gravel-sized sediment deposited on coral reef surfaces.
The sediments are derived from the broken down remains of corals and other organisms that grow on the surrounding reef. Therefore, the rate of supply of sediment from reefs is a critical control on island formation and future change.
The international team of researchers used data available for 28 reef islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, widely acknowledged to be among the world’s most vulnerable environments to rising seas.
By identifying the amount of sediment present within reef islands, and comparing this against the known age of the islands, they were able to determine the average amount of sediment delivered to the islands from surrounding coral reefs over their histories.
They discovered that on average, for every metre of shoreline, around 0.1m3 (equivalent to around 100kg) of sediment is delivered to the islands per year.
It means that for an island with a perimeter of around 2000m, just over 300 dumpy bags of reef-derived sediment are added to the island each year.
They also estimated that only a quarter of the sediment generated on reef surfaces actually reaches the island shoreline and is used for island-building, with the remainder staying within its reefs, or being transported into the ocean or lagoon.
Writing in Geophysical Research Letters, the study’s authors say their findings could go some way to explaining a global observation that most of these islands have grown over the past few decades.
This is in spite of the perception that rising sea levels might erode their shorelines, and disregards artificial island expansion created by local populations.
The research was carried out by experts from the University of Plymouth and National University of Singapore, who have collaborated for many years to examine the threats posed to coastal communities by climate change.
They have
previously published research
suggesting that so-called island ‘drowning’, whereby remote islands will be flooded as sea levels rise, is not inevitable.