PGCert Clinical Education HEA
The Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education (PGCert ClinEd) at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (PUPSMD) has been accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA), following a rigorous process based on peer review and feedback.
The programme now incorporates a new module which aims to meet the needs of its increasingly diverse participants. ‘Contemporary Issues in Clinical Education’ draws on current research and scholarship to explore a wide variety of themes, from patient and public involvement, professional identity and the impact of learning technologies to the development of scholarship and leadership in clinically-based settings. 
The PUPSMD PGCert ClinEd attracts around 50 participants each year, including doctors, dentists, senior nurses and allied health practitioners from a range healthcare settings. The aim of the programme is to build competence and confidence in teaching, and to offer developmental pathways for those interested in education, alongside their clinical specialty.
Ruth Wells, Academic Quality Officer of the HEA, said: 
“I would like to congratulate you and the team at Plymouth University for this highly positive outcome. I hope that the changes approved will be positive for participants and enhance their experience on the programme.”
Programme Lead Jane Rowe commented: 
"This is good news for us, and for our students. The new pathway was devised in response to student feedback and is designed to build on existing strengths. As always, our students are our best advocates and it’s pleasing to see the perspectives they bring being embraced by the HEA through approval of our curriculum. The willingness to accredit the programme in its new structure, and the ability of participants to build on their interests at the Diploma stage of our Masters programme, reflects the push nationally for highly qualified and skilled educators, and this is as true in clinical environments as it is in the university setting.”
Aled Picton, a former student on the programme, added: 
“Studying the programme provided an excellent grounding in the principles of teaching and learning. I learned how to reflect on and appraise teaching practice. As I now work at a medical school, I use these skills and knowledge every day.”
The PGCert ClinEd forms part of the Masters in Clinical Education.