ADEE Jane Collingwood

An academic from Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry has won a best research poster prize at an international conference marking the best in dental education. 

Jane Collingwood, Honorary Clinical Fellow in Primary Dental Care, won the award for best poster in the Technology-Enhanced Learning section at the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) annual conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Her poster showcased her work on 3D printing training models for dentists, explaining how using a light cured resin to make the teeth offers a different, more realistic experience than the plastic currently used to make teeth for phantom head training. 

The models made on the latest printers can even simulate tooth decay, and consist of layers, which differs from most plastic models that are the same material and consistency all the way through. 

Jane’s poster beat competition from academics across the continent, with her win coming in one of eight categories at the event. Other categories included Inter Professional Education, Teaching Methods and Assessment. 

Jane said: 

“I was delighted to have won the prize as my research covers an area that’s relatively new in dental education. At the moment 3D printing is quite established in clinical settings, but we’ve only just trialled it here at Plymouth for teaching. I’m now looking forward to showcasing my research at the TCT Show in Birmingham – one of the world's leading events dedicated to 3D printing, additive manufacturing and product development – later this month.”

Dr Malcolm Bruce, Director of the Simulated Dental Learning Environment at the University of Plymouth, said: 

“It’s fantastic that Jane has won this prize at the ADEE conference, as the 3D printed models trialled here in teaching at Plymouth were very successful. Given the positive feedback we had, we’ll be doing a longer trial with the 3D printed teeth next year. We remain committed to continually improving and shaping our teaching to ensure our students have the best experience possible and are well prepared for their clinical practice.” 

Dental academic's teaching experience recognised with European prize

Dr Kamran Ali was awarded the Excellence in Dental Education: Mature Educator Award by the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).

Dr Kamran Ali wins ADEE award for teaching
(L-R) ADEE President Corrado Paganelli, Professor Kamran Ali, and Dr Ronald Gorter, Chair of Excellence Committee
Dental dentistry students practising