Cornish farm uses robotics to measure nature-friendly practices
The University is partnering in a trial exploring ways to improve soil health and reduce soil erosion and flooding

This trial has meant we can get our science out of the lab and test it in a real-world setting, feeding back into other research programmes we're working on. In this field lab, we're using robotics to deploy soil assessment solutions that the world could take on. It’s great to be working with real farms – codesigning research questions with farmers is really important as it makes the technology we develop genuinely useful.
Professor Will Blake
Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute
We're learning more about what the soil can do for us, and what we can do for the soil. It's helping everyone by helping the environment and we're getting huge benefits on our farm too. If we can understand our soil and our crops more, we can farm smarter by targeting our approach. Having thousands of data points from the robotic sensors helps to build a whole picture – then we can see if there's certain areas that need attention and single out management practices that work.