Biology for a Better Tomorrow
University features in new digital series showcasing biosciences as key to a sustainable future

We are delighted to be collaborating with the Royal Society of Biology on this digital series, which highlights the important research being conducted by both our academics and students.
Professor Richard Preziosi
Head of School
We’re thrilled to be partnering with CWP for this new digital series. The series will provide a crucial platform to showcase the work of biologists and the range of careers available, whilst highlighting the vital work they do. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the successes across the field so far and to provide inspiration for both emerging and established biologists alike.
Find out more about opportunities at Plymouth.
We’re lucky to have an incredibly diverse range of rich coastal habitats around the Devon and Cornwall coastline.
Scholarships available to students on marine biology and conservation courses
The University of Plymouth is joining forces with the Ocean Giants Trust to create a series of exciting new opportunities for its marine students.
Peer-Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS)
To complement your formal learning we offer regular sessions that provide the opportunity for you to learn with and from your peers.
(Hands-on fieldwork both locally and around the world a fundamental part of your degree
>Unique location: many amazing ecosystems right on our doorstep
6Benefit from an extensive network of placement providers
@Skills-based degrees popular with employers