Entry requirements
We require applicants to have completed a High/Secondary School Diploma/Certificate from English-speaking Canada or a Diplôme d'Études Collègiales (DEC) from Quebec with a minimum of 65% in at least five subjects.
• Alberta – 65% five grade 12 subjects
• British Columbia – 67%/C+ in five grade 12 subjects
• Manitoba – five credits at 300 level and at least 65% in four subjects
• Ontario and Northwest Territories – 65%/B in at least five subjects
• Nova Scotia – 65%/C in at least five subjects
• Nunavut – 65%/C in at least five subjects
• Yukon – 65%/C+ in at least five subjects
We require applicants to either have completed a four-year bachelor's degree Honours/a Bachelor's degree/Baccalauréat or a First Professional Degree (Grade Professionnelle).