Equipment available in the LABplus Resource Centre
LABplus supports student study, practical and laboratory work

Offering stereo, biological and polarising microscopes
We have several cameras mounted on a variety of microscopes. Images and video can be edited and saved using a free app on a tablet or smartphone
Pipettes are located next to the sinks in LABplus. We have pipettes of the following volumetric ranges 10µl -100µl & 100µl -1000µl
Laptops can be booked for use. They support a variety of specialist software relating to the equipment and your course
Garmin handheld GPS units
LABplus holds Ipads and Samsung Galaxy tablets to assist students with fieldwork note taking
LABplus, Room 707, Davy Building, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA
9.00-17.00 Monday-Thursday, 9:00-16:30 Friday