Research in the Coastal, Ocean and Sediment Transport (COAST) laboratory
Explore some of the research taking place in the COAST lab

Explore some of the research that has taken place in the COAST lab
Researchers used a combined program of field measurements, laboratory studies and analytical and numerical investigations to enable characterisation of environmental loading and performance to support management of lighthouse structural condition.
The aim of this research was to investigate the detailed physics of violent hydrodynamic impact loading on rigid and elastic structures through a carefully integrated programme of numerical modelling and physical experiments at large scale.
This project was funded by H2020 and focused on the minimisation of the number of expensive anchors for a generic array of wave energy converters, via the interlinking of devices. The model was tested in the Ocean Basin.
Experiments conducted in the Ocean Basin measured the hydrodynamic interactions between a small vessel alongside a larger vessel during a launch and recovery operation.
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is an optical method of flow visualization used in education and research. It is used to obtain instantaneous velocity measurements and related properties in fluids. Dr Edward Ransley has used PIV in the COAST Lab.