The range of possibilities for those studying a degree in Psychology is immense. You are going to discover things that you have never thought of, and question things about life that you would never have questioned before.
Professor Caroline Floccia
Professor in Developmental Psychology
Our students
The Babylab research is derived from the child development and child cognition fields of psychology. If this is an area we are interested in for our research project, we can use the Babylab facilities to expand on research knowledge, by carrying out our own projects.
Students’ Studies
Our work: Hearing superpowers
Babies are born with the ability to hear all the different speech contrasts and all the different speech sounds found in the world. This is a very, very important ability because when a baby is born, they could be exposed to up to 6,000 different languages. The child needs to be prepared to learn any of those languages but by the end of the first year of life, babies start losing this ability.
Professor Caroline Floccia
Professor in Developmental Psychology
Parents and families
Meet the team leaders
Professor Caroline Floccia
Professor in Developmental Psychology
Miss Anna Caunt
Teaching and Research Associate (TARA) in Developmental Psychology