Offshore windmill park with clouds and a blue sky

What is energy security?

The International Energy Agency (IEA) defines energy security as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price.
We depend on energy for all aspects of our lives. It is very important for us to have a reliable and consistent supply of energy to keep our lives running smoothly. 
We need to make sure that the lights will stay on, we have energy to heat and cool our homes, and to cook with.
Domestic smart meter display in the UK
DES - helen watson photo - campus at night
Bank cards and a calculator on the background of a gas stove

Why is energy security at risk?

UK Parliament research shows that energy security risks include:
  • high energy prices
  • fuel shortages
  • equipment failures
  • the effects of climate change
  • net zero transition risks.
If we are reliant on accessing energy from countries outside of the UK, then we may not have control over the prices and the supply of that energy.
With climate change and global unrest in wars in parts of the world, our energy supply has the potential to be under threat.
Energy security has been heavily impacted by the post-pandemic economy and geo-political impacts of the Russian invasion on Ukraine. Dependency on a reliable flow of affordable energy is crucial in times of insecure global oil and gas markets.
Most of our electricity is generated through a combination of different sources – which we call our energy mix – and that energy mix is going to be changing and transitioning as we move towards our goal of achieving net zero in terms of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

How can we improve our energy security?

Measures to improve energy security include:
  • demand reduction
  • energy storage
  • diversification of supply
  • energy market reform and interconnection.
The British Energy Security Strategy proposes to accelerate the UK towards a low-carbon, energy-independent future.
Not only do we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels to get to net zero, we also need to develop more homegrown sources and become more self-sufficient with our energy supply.
At the moment, our electricity sources come from fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – and we still use nuclear power to generate our electricity. However, we are increasingly witnessing a sea change towards using more green and renewable sources of electricity.
We have solar and wind power. We have onshore and offshore wind and other sources of offshore renewable energy, including the potential to utilise tidal power and wave energy.
Solar panels and wind power generation equipment
Wind turbines in the sea generating renewable energy (Shutterstock 76308487)
Big wave breaking at sunset

What are the renewable solutions?

The UK is a natural source of renewable electricity because of our large coastline. We have a great resource capacity for offshore wind, wave and tidal. Each of these offshore renewable energy technologies are key parts of our future energy mix.

Unlocking offshore wind

Offshore wind power is the generation of electricity through wind farms constructed in bodies of water, usually at sea, and is seen as the backbone of our future decarbonised electricity system.
As part of their net zero and energy security objectives, the UK government has set an ambitious target to deploy 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030, of which at least 5 GW will be floating.
Floating offshore wind power (FLOW) is created by using the same wind turbines used for conventional seabed-fixed offshore wind but these are mounted on floating structures secured to the seabed with mooring lines and anchors.
“Our research has shown the advances being made with the technology, and what will be needed to continue that pace of development. By building on existing partnerships, and developing new ones, we can ensure the clean energy revolution will benefit the South West and the rest of the UK and beyond.” 
Professor Deborah Greaves OBE FREng, Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy

Harnessing the power of waves

The UK has been spearheading wave energy research and innovation since the early 1970s and its wave resources are among the best anywhere in the world.
Wave energy has the potential to provide at least 15% of the UK’s annual electricity and help the country meet its net zero target. For this to become a reality it will require an extensive programme of collaboration, investment and innovation involving governments, science, industry, and landowners.
The University's WEDUSEA (Wave Energy Demonstration at Utility Scale to Enable Arrays) project aims to demonstrate the technological and commercial viability of large-scale wave energy.
“WEDUSEA will make a significant contribution to meeting the challenges of climate change and the energy crisis, boosting the wave energy industry worldwide. The project will take wave energy to the next level, opening up the way for large scale commercial arrays.”
Professor Lars Johanning, Professor of Ocean Technology and Associate Head of School

Utilising the rise and fall of tides

Tidal energy is a renewable energy powered by the natural rise and fall of ocean tides and currents. Some of these technologies include turbines and paddles.
Tidal stream energy provides a predictable, reliable source of renewable power that, if harnessed, can complement the variability of wind and solar. Unlike wind and sun, the tides are present every day of the year.
Tidal stream power has the potential to deliver 11% of the UK’s current annual electricity and play a significant role in the government’s drive for net-zero.
“Achieving this would require around 11.5 GW of tidal stream turbine capacity to be installed, and we currently stand at just 18 MW. It took the UK offshore wind industry approximately 20 years to reach 11.5 GW of installed capacity. If tidal stream power is going to contribute to the net zero transition, time is of the essence.”
Dr Danny Coles, Senior Research Fellow, INTERREG V A France (Channel)  TIGER project 

The benefits of a complementary energy mix

Offshore wind is seen as the successful backbone for the UK electricity grid of the future. As we go further offshore, we can access higher wind speeds and more consistent wind. But there are times when the wind doesn't blow, and there are times when the wind is blowing and it is more electricity than we need.
When we have a large amount of renewable energy from natural sources we really benefit from having a diverse mix that complement one another. For example, green hydrogen can be produced with excess electricity that can then be used in industry, transport, heating, or later reconversion into electricity.
The sun does not always shine at the same time it is very windy, so renewable sources can complement one another. 
If we can add in wave energy and tidal stream as well, then all together these will provide a much more consistent and reliable supply of electricity.
Coastal research at Porthleven, Cornwall
CPRG high tide
Celtic Sea floating offshore wind

What are the future challenges?

For Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) technology to be successful, there needs to be an appreciation of its interaction with the whole energy system, including a thorough understanding of how the device will affect and be affected by the environment it is in, and affect other users of the space, the grid, and end users of the generated power.
Offshore wind, wave and tidal have all developed at different rates, with offshore wind technology having achieved significant advances and cost reduction thanks to its deployment at scale and incremental development from its onshore counterpart.
While costs have reduced significantly for fixed offshore wind, floating offshore wind, tidal stream and wave energy remain too expensive to attract significant investment. 
In the University's COAST laboratory, the UK Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Test (UK FOWTT) facility enables wind speeds of between 0.5 m/s and 10 m/s to be generated which, in addition to the existing wave generation technologies, creates a scaled-down version of the ocean environment.
This provides opportunities for the University to run experiments to understand how offshore systems are going to respond and perform. Systems can then be de-risked as much as possible before they get built at a larger scale and into a demonstration site.
Our research also looks into how autonomous systems such as robots, drones and self-driving vessels can be used to carry out inspections and collect data remotely, rather than putting people into dangerous situations and working offshore. 
Ocean basin, COAST Lab
UK Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Test (UK FOWTT) facility in the ocean basin
COAST Lab - 1257714.jpg

Marine Building opening by HRH Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh. Alexis Kirk performing his piece of music using waves and water in the wave tank.

Developing floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea

One of the really exciting things happening at the moment is that the Celtic Sea – on our doorstep in the South West – is being developed as a site for new floating offshore wind. 
The University is working together with other partners in the region across the South West, Cornwall and into Wales to develop floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea and unlock up to 4.5 GW of floating wind energy by 2035 and further 12 GW by 2045.
The first three floating windfarms in the Celtic Sea will generate enough electricity to power more than four million homes and will be some of the largest in the world. More than 260 turbines, each around 300 metres tall, will sit on floating platforms the size of football pitches.
In driving the transition to clean energy, and providing significant, sustainable growth in jobs, skills and regional supply chain infrastructure, the Celtic Sea developments will cement the UK’s position as a world leader in floating offshore wind energy.

The University is helping to solve some of the challenges around offshore renewable energy by conducting research in our large ocean basin and hydrodynamics facilities. We are very active in research projects around the UK and in Europe and lead the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub. We provide technical expertise around offshore structures, on ecological and environmental interactions, as well as building local communities and economies around the development of offshore renewable energy.

Deborah Greaves OBE FREngDeborah Greaves OBE FREng
Professor in Ocean Engineering


Advancing energy security research

At the University of Plymouth, our world-leading reputation in Offshore Renewable Energy research and innovation presents opportunities to be at the forefront of developments in a sustainable energy supply.
Our expertise and collaborative research efforts inform the development of sector strategies which in turn impact policy, as evidenced in the comprehensive review of the UK wave energy sector, increasing awareness amongst decision makers to rapidly advance the growth of the sector.
Wind turbines - renewable energy - getty

Developing sustainable solutions for energy systems

The University of Plymouth is leading energy systems renewable transformation

Celtic Sea floating offshore wind

Floating offshore wind solutions for Celtic Sea developers

Supergen image 1280 720

Our Energy Transition: The Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub

Abstract image of a hand holding planet earth with symbols around it. 

Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy