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Tregonissey Road
St Austell
PL25 4DJ-
Developmental Psychology
This module will examine different theoretical perspectives on the development of personality across the life course and how people respond and adapt to change. Consideration will be given to social and developmental influences on the formation of the self. It will discuss key concepts of identity and attachment.
Sociological Perspectives
This module will examine some of the major perspectives in Sociology, e.g. Marxism, Functionalism, Feminism, Symbolic interactionism, Postmodernism. Consideration will be given to research methodologies and methods in order to explore different approaches to research and explanations of social issues. Structural and cultural factors such as age, race, gender and class will be considered in relation to social issues.
Professional Practice
This module will examine the importance of ethics and values in health and social care work. Consideration will be given to how service users needs are identified and met with an emphasis on the importance of communication skills. The module will also identify some of the key professional and personal skills required of professionals working in this sector.
Safeguarding and Promotion of Welfare
This module examines the historical and political context of abuse that affects children, young people and adults at risk. Types of abuse and signs and symptoms are considered. There is an examination of the reasons why people abuse and the effect of abuse. Examples of how people can keep themselves safe are discussed. The legal framework, including the process of reporting abuse, is identified.
Equality, Diversity and Rights
This module will examine key issues around equality, diversity and rights such as Protected Characteristics, prejudice, discrimination and justice and discussed in the light of professional practice. Strategies to combat discrimination within the profession will be explored. Current and relevant legislation, policies and guidelines will be examined.
Health, Welfare and Social Policy
This module will examine the social construction of needs in society and consider the implications of policy responses to meet those needs. This will involve an exploration of the changing relationship between State, market and familial responses to need in the mixed economy of welfare. Issues of social exclusion, discrimination, equal opportunities and poverty will also be explored.
*UK Government announcement on tuition fees
Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.
Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.
Tregonissey Road
St Austell
PL25 4DJ
This course is run at one of our partner colleges. Open days are held at the college and more details of these can be found on the college website. You'll find contact details below, on this page.
You are also very welcome to attend a University of Plymouth open day, to get a flavour of the courses you can progress to from a partner college. There will however be limited information on this specific course and college.
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