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Creative Expression with Words (Creative Writing/Drama)
This module introduces you to the effective use of words written/verbal to develop creative, expressiveness and enhance individuals perception of health and well-being. You may already have enhanced in this area of practice and can now develop your skills in greater depths. A Drama Psychotherapist who is an expert in his/her artistic/clinical practice teaches the module.
Creative Expression with Movement Improvisation
This module focuses on the development of body awareness and creative movement, interventions highlighting the benefit of non-verbal communication skills and the improvement of individuals perceptions of health and well-being. This module is taught by a dance movement therapist who is an expert in his/her artistic/clinical practice.
Creative Expression with Art Materials
This module encourages you to apply your creativity to a wide range of art materials, such as 2D and 3D images/sculptures. You will pay particular attention to the emotional content of your creations and explore how relationships can be informed and maintained with art materials. The module is taught by an Arts Psychotherapist who is an expert in his/her artistic/clinical practice
Creative Expression with Music and Sounds
This therapy-based module introduces music and sounds as a form of communication and participation. Participatory music offers social integration, opportunities for reminiscence and release and relaxation from inner tension. The module is taught by an arts psychotherapist who is an expert in his/her artistic/clinical practice
Arts and Health Project 2
This module builds upon the skills and knowledge gained in the previous four modules completed during this year and your experience and learning from your Project 1. The project fosters your personal style, independent project management, evidence-based practice, maturity in relating to people involved and understanding of the therapeutic impact
*UK Government announcement on tuition fees
Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.
Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.
St George's Road
This course is run at one of our partner colleges. Open days are held at the college and more details of these can be found on the college website. You'll find contact details below, on this page.
You are also very welcome to attend a University of Plymouth open day, to get a flavour of the courses you can progress to from a partner college. There will however be limited information on this specific course and college.
One of the largest colleges in the UK, we offer the widest range of career-focused, higher education courses in the area. With most of our courses based in our dedicated University Centre, you’ll enjoy expert tuition and a supportive learning environment.