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EX4 4JS-
Advanced Strength and Conditioning
The module is closely mapped to the UKSCA guidelines and outcomes, to enable students to investigate interdisciplinary sciences, involved within Strength and Conditioning principles, including specific techniques and methods. In addition to this the module will cover human anatomy and physiological responses enabling students to consolidate and extend their understanding of strength and conditioning
Examination and Assessment of Soft Tissue Injury
This module will focus on the theoretical anatomy of the trunk, back and spine. Learners will practically assess these including the relevance of the anatomy involved. Students will be able to identify and critically review common back problems and dysfunctions They will develop aetiology analysis of common injuries in different sports and exercise to enable a deeper understanding of evidence-based diagnosis and practice
Sports Rehabilitation and Adherence Considerations
This module is a mixture of theory and practical, the assessment methods will be based around theoretical application. Students will investigate risk reduction and rehabilitation protocols, including return to play. It can be challenging to engage a client in their rehabilitation; therefore, we will look at behavioural factors that influence their adherence, and to investigate a variety of behavioural strategies
This module allows students an opportunity to develop their subject expertise and develop their research, intellectual and organisational skills through the writing of a detailed dissertation thesis. The module provides students with a good structure of designing a proposal, creating a project and then finally presenting the outcomes.
Interdisciplinary and Clinical Practice
The module will aim to broaden learners understanding and appreciation of professions related to Sports Therapy, it’s history and philosophy. Students will complete a total of 150 hours of practice within the field, including some clinical practice in house. Students will lead the clinical sessions at the college, with some support from the teacher
*UK Government announcement on tuition fees
Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.
Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.
Hele Road
This course is run at one of our partner colleges. Open days are held at the college and more details of these can be found on the college website. You'll find contact details below, on this page.
You are also very welcome to attend a University of Plymouth open day, to get a flavour of the courses you can progress to from a partner college. There will however be limited information on this specific course and college.
We’re proud of our awards – and you can be proud of your education with us. In 2012 we were recognised as the leading further education college in the country after winning two Times Educational Supplement FE Awards.