"I am a mature student at Plymouth University. I have enrolled on the mathematics foundation year. Prior to enrolling on the course I had been teaching in a special needs school. With a desire to progress in my career I actively sought out a degree that was suited to my requirements.
Having sat my GCSEs and A levels 18 years ago it had been a long time since I had used mathematics on a regular basis. Plymouth University offered me an opportunity to hone my skill set and ensure that I was ready for the full degree. I now know what is expected of me during the degree course.
The lecturers at the University have a passion for the subject matter. Through a wide range of teaching techniques and support they enable each individual learner to achieve to their full potential. Each lecture has provided opportunity to practice the delivered skills as well as develop independent learning. Lecturers are always willing to offer help and guidance, in and out of lectures.
The University identifies the Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS) as a main strength in its support network. PALS is a scheme where students in further years provide additional advice and support in structured sessions. These sessions have been extremely useful to myself, and I am sure others on the course, providing a different perspective on areas that require development. This has been invaluable in progression through the course. In addition to this SUM:UP is part of the library that provides additional support for any area of the mathematics degree. It provides clear guidance and personalised assistance.
During my time at Plymouth University I have discovered a real love of Mathematics and developed a desire to learn. The course is ‘hard work’. The work requirements are challenging and the schedule is packed. But, as I did, you will discover a real desire to further your understanding. All the hard work you will have done will be rewarded. You will be ready to successfully complete your degree. You too will benefit greatly."
Sean McFadden - current student
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Foundation Year