Flask by Ben Ashman

All applicants must share their portfolio.

We would like to see examples of your work if you have them, such as:

  • a portfolio of drawings, sketches, character designs or game design
  • computer-based and online work: algorithmic artworks, web pages, games, blogs etc
  • media: video, photographs, sound pieces, music.

Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to new media/digital production or interactive arts.

Please upload your portfolio (or a link to your portfolio) to your applicant portal.
You can submit your portfolio online pre-interview to get constructive feedback on your work before visiting us.
  • Submit your work as digital images only, taken from either original digitally-based work, scans of flat work, or photographs of three-dimensional work.
  • Your portfolio should be a collection of JPEG images saved as either a single compressed file, if JPEG format, OR as a single compressed file or single combined file, if PDF format.
  • Acceptable digital formats are limited to only JPEG or PDF files; we cannot guarantee that we will be able to view work sent in other formats, so please adhere to the guidelines.
  • Online portfolio submissions can also be considered, but please ensure that the files are public and can be viewed by anyone with a link.
If you have any questions regarding your portfolio or application please do not hesitate to contact us at applications@plymouth.ac.uk.
Evidencing professional development in urgent and emergency care (via e-portfolio) (Level 6) hero image 2