The trip will end with a project which you will design and conduct while in Spain. There are plenty of opportunities to tailor your project to your own interests, and students have in the past successfully completed projects on broad range of subjects, including:
- the diurnal behaviour of beetles
- the effect of invasive species on native flora and fauna
- variation in pollinator visits to diverse floral taxa
- the association between parasitic plants and their hosts.
The area of the field course allows you to see some of the specialities of the Mediterranean ecozone, including the European chameleon, a wide selection of Fabaceae, birds including the white stork and bee-eater, and butterflies and moths including the Spanish festoon and emperor moth.
Trip information
When: April in the second semester of the first year.
Where: Zahara de los Atunes, Andalucia, Spain.
Length: nine days and eight nights (residential).
Accommodation: Shared rooms in a hotel in Zahara.
Food: Breakfast and dinner provided by the hotel. Make your own packed lunch each day or grab lunch in a local tapas restaurant. Vegetarian and vegan options available.