Interview and porfolio advice with graphic communication with typography

Make the most of the opportunity to excel in your portfolio – you could be eligible for an unconditional offer.

We want to acknowledge your potential, as well as your commitment to us as an applicant. An unconditional offer allows you to focus on your upcoming examinations and begin planning for your university career.
If you have any questions regarding your portfolio or application please do not hesitate to contact us at
Fine Art student showing work
Please read this carefully – first things first...
A portfolio is essentially a ‘package’ of your work. It can be a physical object – maybe A2 or A3 – with pages. Alternatively, if sending work digitally, it can be a PDF with work arranged on different pages within the same document, or a link to an online portfolio.
Care should be taken with the selection, demonstrating a breadth of work. A creative portfolio should show originality, depth of learning, evidence of engagement with the subject and a clear understanding of work that has been produced in relation to briefs undertaken.
Try not to be repetitive. Order work carefully to show off different ideas, skills and approaches. Examples of photography, life drawing, painting, etc., are just as valid as work that is more obviously ‘graphic’. Starting and ending with something impressive is always a good idea. Simple labelling/captioning of work can help those viewing to understand your thinking or the context of the work.
It is important to show sketches and work in progress as well as your final pieces. These might be presented within the relevant projects, or you may want to present notebooks and sketchbooks as separate items. These should demonstrate your ability to follow a creative process – research, idea generation, experimentation and development, leading to the final product.
Three-dimensional objects can be displayed in your portfolio by representing them photographically. Moving image work can be shown as a video or storyboard.
At interview, you will be expected to talk through your work, explaining the processes involved and reasons behind decisions made. You should practice doing this in advance.
A portfolio may well show hand/making/software skills but, more importantly, it should show how you think.

Presentation tips

Rehearse the presentation of your work
Know the briefs you have been set.
Ensure you are able to discuss and explain each item – Find out as much about the course, University and city as you possibly can
The more you know before you meet with us, the more confident you'll feel and look. Think through some of the questions you're likely to be asked and work out possible responses. Ask your tutors and peers to run through a pretend interview with you and give you honest feedback.
Ensure your work is ordered carefully
Although we make every effort to meet with you personally and talk about your work, in some circumstances your portfolio may be viewed without you being present. Simple labelling/captioning of work can only help our understanding.
Ask us questions
When you meet us you will be asked questions about your work, aspirations and interests as well as your opinion about aspects of design in our contemporary world. We are trying to find out about you, but it is also an opportunity for you to find out about us. Your portfolio presentation is not a test. Please relax and try to enjoy the process.
Please upload your portfolio (or a link to your portfolio) to your applicant portal.
You can submit your portfolio online pre-interview to get constructive feedback on your work before visiting us.
  • Submit your work as digital images only, taken from either original digitally-based work, scans of flat work, or photographs of three-dimensional work.
  • Your portfolio should be a collection of JPEG images saved as either a single compressed file, if JPEG format, OR as a single compressed file or single combined file, if PDF format.
  • Acceptable digital formats are limited to only JPEG or PDF files; we cannot guarantee that we will be able to view work sent in other formats, so please adhere to the guidelines.
  • Online portfolio submissions can also be considered, but please ensure that the files are public and can be viewed by anyone with a link.
Evidencing professional development in urgent and emergency care (via e-portfolio) (Level 6) hero image 2