Filmmaking students using equipment outside
A portfolio is a great way to show us your creative skills and can be made up of work completed on previous courses or made within your own time. We are not looking for perfection, we are looking for creativity, ideas and enthusiasm. We want to know about how you think and the processes you go through when producing your work. It is your portfolio, and we want to know about you.
All applicants for BA (Hons) Filmmaking must share their creative portfolio. This portfolio should be submitted as a single PDF document, a PowerPoint or an online portfolio, such as a website or a blog. That’s it as far as the constraints go. You can include any of your creative work. Photographs, drawings, paintings, stories, scripts, poetry, treatments, films, and other creative outputs are all welcome!
You can also show us your research. Who are you interested in? What filmmakers, storytellers or techniques influence you? Don’t worry about your technical ability, you will be coming to university to learn these skills, but do try to show us your creative potential.
Please include YouTube or Vimeo links to your films on the PDF. Do include passwords if necessary and do make sure these films stay available online.
Please upload your portfolio (or a link to your portfolio) to your applicant portal.
If you have any questions regarding your portfolio or application please do not hesitate to contact us at
Filmmaking students

Make the most of this opportunity to show your creative potential in your portfolio – you could be eligible for an unconditional offer.