Discover your future pathway
Be brave enough to follow the unknown path and learn what you are truly capable of.
?Youth work
?Business learning and development
?Adult learning and training
?Forest School
?Outdoor education
?Education administration with local government
?Education welfare officer
?Teaching English as a second language
?Learning mentor
 MSc Criminology
 MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
 MSc Psychology
3Play therapy
3Speech and language therapy
3Training - PGCE
3Professional qualifications for Special Needs Teacher
3Primary School Teacher
3Social work
3Education psychology
3Education Mental Health Worker
3Further Education Lecturer
"I already had many years of work experience but managed to volunteer in various settings that I had no experience of previously. I needed new knowledge and qualifications and after putting in some hard work this was achieved. The academic support was amazing and I am grateful for that."
“It has been an amazing experience. Through the freedoms we are given by the dedicated team of lecturers to decide on the pathway of interest we deem most significant to our world and progression, we are allowed to flourish and find ourselves. This degree has allowed me the space to pursue my interest in outdoor education and delve into gender education. I now step out into the world with new perspectives, increased confidence, and a burning desire to continue to learn. I have gained more from this degree than I ever dreamed I would, and I cannot recommend it highly enough to do it justice.”