Portfolio Advice for BA (Hons) Creative Media
If you choose to submit a portfolio as part of your application to BA (Hons) Creative Media, let us help you

The ideal format for a portfolio is PDF containing links to any large files such as videos (which you will need to put online).
Your portfolio may contain examples of video or animation (please submit links), photographic or sound works, creative/script writing or interactive digital pieces, for example.
Please send in a careful selection of your work. We are looking for evidence of your creative ability and critical thinking, so show how you generated ideas, how you’ve developed projects, as well as your final outcomes. This could be in the form of initial sketches/plans, contact sheets, or storyboards; or you could simply explain your working process for each project, in text, next to the project.
We want to acknowledge your potential, as well as your commitment to us as an applicant. An unconditional offer allows you to focus on your upcoming examinations and begin planning for your university career.
Please upload your portfolio (or a link to your portfolio) to your applicant portal.
If you are not sure if your portfolio fits what we are looking for, please send a draft for feedback to p.stancer-1@plymouth.ac.uk or show it to our staff in an informal interview, at our one of our offer holder days.