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Tregonissey Road
St Austell
PL25 4DJ-
Children's Services
A critical analysis of children's services will be undertaken in this module. Students will be provided with a broad view of what it means to work in a support capacity as a reflective and reflexive professional working within children, schools and families.
This module will provide students with the opportunity to research and investigate a topic or subject of their choice in considerable depth. To develop their personal and professional skills and gain a deep understanding of an issue related to their own practice.
Health Inequalities and Interventions
This module provides a forum for gaining a deep understanding of how agencies and professionals work together to tackle the issues arising around health inequalities. Consideration will be given to the impact of social deprivation or background on mental health as well as physical wellbeing across all age groups. Through critical analysis students will determine how effective integrated working can make a real difference to the lives of children, young people and their families and what can happen if the process does not function correctly.
Research Methods
To provide the student with an understanding and appreciation of the research process and the application of research methods. To enable the student to acquire, develop and deploy transferable skills in relation to researching in a wider context.
Independent Study
This module provides the opportunity to work independently by pursuing professionally focused inquiry into a selected educational area. The module will offer both professional and personal development for participants working as autonomous learners.
Disability: Approaches to Inclusion
To provide an in-depth understanding of inclusion, the theories underpinning inclusion and the range of adjustments that can be made to support disabled people to achieve their goals.
Language Learning
The module assesses understanding of what it means to learn language and examines the role and working practices of those who work and live with children and young people, to ensure that the effective acquisition of language takes place. The links between language learning and culture are analysed and how professional practice impacts on the development of plurilingualism and cultural entitlement within society.
Outdoor Experiential Services
This cross-disciplinary module considers the range and type of outdoor provision available to children, schools and families in the UK and elsewhere and the responsibilities of those professionals working to support the needs of the sector. A critical review of how the outdoors is used to benefit the physical and mental wellbeing of children and young people, including an evaluation of the range of issues involved.
*UK Government announcement on tuition fees
Following an announcement in November, the government has confirmed its intention to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year.
Subject to final Parliamentary approval (expected in early March 2025), the tuition fee for UK students is increasing to a maximum of £9,535 from 1 August 2025. This change applies to current and new students at the University of Plymouth. The Student Loans Company (SLC) has confirmed loans for tuition fees will be increased accordingly.
Tregonissey Road
St Austell
PL25 4DJ
This course is run at one of our partner colleges. Open days are held at the college and more details of these can be found on the college website. You'll find contact details below, on this page.
You are also very welcome to attend a University of Plymouth open day, to get a flavour of the courses you can progress to from a partner college. There will however be limited information on this specific course and college.
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