Architecture studio space

Architecture studio space

We are invested in the future - you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources at your fingertips within a vibrant community of students and researchers to help you realise your creative potential.
Our designated architecture studio spaces provide a unique learning environment. We are one of the very few architecture courses in the UK in which every student has their own studio and desk space seven days a week (08:00 – 22:30), so you can work whenever you feel inspired. You will be part of a vibrant, creative community alongside students and staff from fine art, art and performance, graphics and photography, 3D design and humanities.
Designed to further your learning and development, our facilities accommodate industry standards and our software is reviewed and updated every year to keep the latest up to date tools available to students. You will attain the skills and have access to:

Our labs and architecture space

Learn from industry-leading experts in our state-of-the-art facilities.

3D printer, digital fabrication laboratory

Digital Fabrication and Immersive Media Laboratories (DFIML)
The new Labs present a step change in the delivery of teaching, research and innovation for the University of Plymouth and local community.

BA (Hons) Architecture lecturer Andy Humphreys describes how our students make use of this superb facility
You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources at your fingertips within a vibrant community of students and researchers.

Virtual tour of Roland Levinksy Building
Architecture is taught in the Roland Levinsky Building. Watch this virtual tour, produced by BA (Hons) Architecture student Corey Sutherland.

Workshops and other resources

Furthering your learning and development.


Workshops in woodwork, metalwork and plaster casting
The workshop is a vibrant and active space for students to explore their creativity in a safe and productive environment.

Impact Lab - Immersive Vision Theatre

360 degree Immersive Vision Theatre
The IVT is a transdisciplinary instrument for the manifestation of (im)material and imaginary worlds.

University library

Library services
Enabling the transformation of information into knowledge.

The studio spaces that we have, particularly in the arts based courses, offer a space where you can have free access to work with other creative people build friendships and build a really strong network of people with forward thinking ideas.

Ricky BurkeDr Ricky Burke
Lecturer in Architecture and the Built Environment